Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My math concept and social issue.

I would like my social issue to be solving poverty and I would like my math concept to be adding integers.The reason I am passionate about solving poverty is because it is so hard to believe that some people don't even have a shelter over their heads.The reason I chose adding integers is beacuase it is a very good skill that I have.Mostly everyone I know  don't have many problems with adding integers.I think solvng poverty would help people realize that alot of people actually don't have houses and they would try and make a difference.


  1. Yo, Im Patrick from WGMS and I have toubles with science so don't worry about not getting it we all have trouble with somthing don't give up. :)

  2. Hey :)
    im from SRMS and i got asigned yuor blog to comment :)..Nice blog! Im not that good with math but i like your blog.
    Talk to you later (:
