Monday, December 20, 2010

My presentation on my game.

This is the first scene of my game. The about and how to buttons work but not the play button. The buttons do what they are supposed to do and you can move the spaceship with the keys.  

Sunday, December 5, 2010


When I was making making my game these links really helped me.

poverty.              this link is a wikipedia link that is about poverty.

adding integers helper        this link will take you to a page that can help you with adding integers

Adding integers game  This link will take you to a game based on adding integers

Officical poverty website   This link will take you to

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Paper Prototype

I made many changes while i was making my paper prototype.My paper prototype is 20 scenes long but will be more in the actual game. My game will still probably change during the course of my game.


At my house we have a traditional thanksgiving we have turkey and all that kind of stuff.My entire family at my house.We had turkey,green beans,mashed potatos,gravy,stuffing,pumpkin pie,and pretzle salad. Thanksgiving at our house was really great.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Planning your game

I am the only one in my group so its kind of weird working by my self. Im looking forward to completing my game. We are working very hard and I can't wait till were finished!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Imagining my game

When I imagine my game its going to be a side scroller likw mario and to get past certain obsticles you will need to solve math problems and every time you solve one you help a family get a home or food or water.

Mini Game

I think even though its pretty hard and complicated this mini game project is going to help us with our game alot.I actually enjoy doing the code and things like that.This mini game is actually pretty fun after i have been playing it and its really cool how i can show it to people and say I made it.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Learn The Bones

In the task playing to learn I chose learn the bones as my favorite game.Learn the Bones is a jig saw puzzle type game. When the game starts out it gives you three or so pictures and you have to match it up with the picture of the skeleton.It's a very fun informational game.The only thing the game doesnt have is a social issue.     | the game |
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Internet safety

There are some major things you need to do when you are on the internet.Number one never post your home address or phone number unless its some one you trust like a family member.Number two if some one say something sometime s they are lying and it could be like nothing you were expecting .Number three be kind to everyone if you wouldnt do it in real life don't do it on the internet.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My math concept and social issue.

I would like my social issue to be solving poverty and I would like my math concept to be adding integers.The reason I am passionate about solving poverty is because it is so hard to believe that some people don't even have a shelter over their heads.The reason I chose adding integers is beacuase it is a very good skill that I have.Mostly everyone I know  don't have many problems with adding integers.I think solvng poverty would help people realize that alot of people actually don't have houses and they would try and make a difference.